by Iseki Iseki

Vacuum sewage technology is often found to be the most suitable option when considering the installation of a sewage system in factories. The inherent flexibility of the Redivac systems allow sewers to be laid between buildings, bypass underground obstacles and even pass through warehouses. The system can intercept from existing gravity systems while managing new flows from expanding premises and it can usually be extended to accommodate any future expansion of the factory.

The versatility associated with vacuum technology allow vacuum stations to be sited almost anywhere on the site with the possibility of even utilising existing plant rooms or other available buildings. The flexible characteristics of the small bore polythene pipe employed in Redivac systems allow the construction of the pipe network without the need for large and sometimes deep collector pipes and the collection points can be located throughout the site without the need for any electrical power at the collection points. It should also be noted that vacuum systems are closed, pneumatically controlled systems with absolutely no leakages thus eliminating the fear of ex-filtration.

Redivac systems have been successfully installed in large factory sites. Such systems often only require one central vacuum station and vitally, due to the fast installation rates, fitting of the vacuum sewerage system can be complete without suspension to the factory’s production.